“Our Moment of Unity Calling for the Hong Kong Secondary School Sports Teams"
This animated campaign for Pocari Sweat (HK) brought the dynamic energy of a sports team to the screen. Using an anime style and infusing the motion with fast paced cuts and comicbook layouts we were able create a vibrant, high energy campaign.
Directed by Kinfeson Yu & Tsui Brothers
Client : Pocari Sweat (HK) 
Agency : Fevaworks Solutions
Creative team: Cheuk, Chiwa, Leo, Viann, Vincent
Director : Knifeson Yu , Tsui Brothers
Animation Director : Knifeson Yu
Animation : Knifeson Yu , Cin , Catheeine , Kronos
Composting : Tsui Brothers , Kam Puii
Background: tslgh
Graphic : Angel meowmeow
Sound design : Angel meowmeow
character designs
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